
To help ensure a healthy environment for future generations to enjoy, we’re continually working toward a sustainable society with our customers, partners and communities.

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CSR - Our Way To Serve


Our Way To Serve

Understanding that Serving Society with Superior Quality is our heritage and our mission, and embracing our responsibility to future generations as a global leader in our industries, Bridgestone and its teammates around the world employ innovation and technology to improve the way people move, live, work and play.

1. Mobility

To accelerate sustainable mobility innovations through advanced technologies and solutions.

Smart Mobility - Innovating for Modern Mobility Challenges

In a more connected world, safe and secure transportation is at the core of how we live, work and play.

Safe Transportation - Bridgestone Tyre Can Improve Quality of Life

Bridgestone's run-flat technology uses the tyres' reinforced sidewalls to support a vehicle's weight even after a puncture.

2. People

Employ our strengths to support our communities and enhance the way people live, learn and work.

Contributing To a Safer Society - Keeping Roads Safe in South Africa

Bridgestone South Africa is part of a project that aims to empower traffic officials to identify unroadworthy vehicles on our roads.

Accessible and Inclusive Education - Expanding Opportunities Through Education

To develop job skills and help expand opportunities, P.T. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia (BSIN) operates a free industrial training and education school.

3. Environment

To help ensure a healthy environment for current and future generations.

In Harmony with Nature - Protecting Biodiversity Through Early Diagnosis

Latex extracted from the para rubber tree is a major source of natural rubber, which is the primary material in tires, but the damage caused by the white root rot disease is becoming severe.

Reduce CO2 emissions - Improving Fuel Efficiency with New Tyre Technology

Regarding a tyre's lifecycle, Bridgestone estimates that about 90% of CO2 emissions related to a tyre are generated by its use on a vehicle. To help drivers reduce CO2 emissions, we enhance development of tyres with improved rolling efficiency to reduce fuel use.

Rethink Green


Rethink Green

Changing the way we think about and work within our environment requires a team effort. Bridgestone's Our Way To Serve global CSR initiative ensures that we’re committed to doing our part. Whether it’s assisting local communities through our annual CSR activity or improving the fuel efficiency of our tyres, we’re constantly seeking ways to help ensure a healthy environment for current and future generations. 

Guayule - A New Source for Natural Rubber


Guayule: A New Source for Natural Rubber

Bridgestone is leading the charge for alternative and renewable sources for natural rubber. We’re currently exploring uses for the guayule shrub, which has qualities almost identical to those of natural rubber, making it a potentially valuable source for tyre-grade rubber in commercial applications. Through this innovative project and others like it, we’re moving closer to achieving our long-term vision of manufacturing products from raw materials that are fully renewable and sustainable by 2050.